My friend, Kimberly Hocking (through her organization
Greenly Art Space), is starting a community art project this month called Witness to Remembrance. If you follow my blog, you may remember the previous project,
Broken-Beautiful. The goal of this years project is to provide an opportunity for participants to honor someone they loved who has passed away. This project comes out of Kimberly's own process of dealing with the loss of her brother five years ago.
Participants will be given a single use camera to capture images that reflect places, objects, and ideas that remind them of that individual. Participants will be from three primary areas/groups: street children and Word Made Flesh advocates in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Sierra Leone, Africa, as well as residences of Seal Beach, California and surrounding communities. The photographs will be curated and eventually shown at the gallery space at Grace Community Church in Seal Beach, possibly to coincide with the Seal Beach Art Walk.
One of Kimberly's goals is to build community through art and shared experiences. We hope to get a diverse group of participants from the local community. If you would like to participate and live in the Seal Beach area, you can sign up and pick up a camera at
Bogart's Coffee House on June 7 and 14 or in front of
Grace Community Church on June 8 and 15 (there is a $40 entrance fee due at the time you pick up the camera). You can find out more at or let me know if you have questions.
If you do not live in the Seal Beach area, you may still want to consider doing this project on your own or as a family to honor a loved one.