If you are looking for a fun summer evening out with your family (or your spouse), check out
Dance Downtown at the Music Center in downtown Los Angeles. It is free, open to all ages, and all dance abilities. Each night has a different theme. At the beginning, and sprinkled throughout the evening, there are a dance lessons. On disco night, we learned some classic disco steps, the hustle, and a crazy assemblage of 60s dances (taught by CSULB's own Andrew Vacain, who is awesome, in preparation for the next week's 60s night). Many people dressed in era appropriate attire/costumes (myself included), but it is not necessary.
One of my favorite things about this event is that everyone - all ages, walks of life, ethnicities and dance abilities - are having a genuinely good time, out celebrating life together in the middle of the city. You can lose yourself in the moment.
Coming up:
June 1: Argentine Tango
June 15: Line Dance & Two-Step
June 29: Bollywood & Bhangra
July 13: Cumbia
July 27: Disco
August 10: 60s Night
August 24: Ondo/Bon Dance - a special celebration of Japanese festival dancing
September 7: Samba
6:30pm-10pm in the Music Center Plaza in downtown Los Angeles.
Beginner dance lessons at 6:30pm, 7:45pm and PREVIEW lesson at 8:50pm.