Having a four year old in the house, one cannot help but be creative. Ethan easily switches from being a dinosaur to a fire fighter to a hockey player. Having the right props to go along with the current "characters" can make it even more fun.
With a little imagination, and a few cardboard tubes (from wrapping paper, paper towels, and toilet paper), it is easy to come up with creative reuses for our refuse. Aside from the typical uses, a telescope, microphone and sword, we've made a Matchbox Car Launch, Hockey Stick, T-Ball Tee and Bat, and Bowling Pins. Ethan's friends, Nathan and Arianna made a doll out of cardboard tubes and duct tape.
You can even make a camera. Learn how to make a pinhole camera out of two cardboard tubes and a few other household items, or out of an empty Pringles can. For a more advanced camera with film, go here.
What creative uses have you found for cardboard tubes? Share your ideas in the comments?
More Ideas:
We were inspired by the recent cold weather to have a fire in our fireplace and created the kindling by stuffing some junk mail in a cardboard tube (just remember to take out the fake credit cards first)
Even More Ideas:
Napkin Rings
Ukele and Costumes
Families.com (including lots of other creative reuse ideas)
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